Beautiful Bouquets

Beautiful Bouquets

The bridal bouquet is a once in a lifetime accessory. When else do you get to carry an intimate gathering of flowers especially designed for you?  TableArt loves working with our brides to design the perfect bridal bouquet. The design process allows us the opportunity...
Casual Rustic Wedding at Sweetwater Farm

Casual Rustic Wedding at Sweetwater Farm

Happily ever after started in the rolling hills of the Brandywine Valley at The Sweetwater Farm for one of our favorite couples. It was a perfect day for a wedding and the perfect venue for this casual rustic wedding. JPG Photography was behind the lens to capture all...

Beautiful Bouquets

Flowers and herbs have been a part of weddings ceremonies since the beginning of time.  Women carried herbs and garlic to celebrate marriage as a gift from nature and to ward off evil spirits. Today, we consider Bridal bouquets as organic jewelry that reflects a...

Peony Bouquets

I love the simplicity and the elegance of these bouquets; they are so soft and beautiful and the fragrance was amazing the bride carried an all white bouquet and her girls carried these amazing pink bouquets the junior bridesmaid carried a smaller version of the...