I celebrate all the seasons. Spring for me is getting back outside and being in the garden.

This Saturday, March 27 is the Open House at Carolyn’s Shade Garden.
After a long winter,  I have always loved walking through the 2 acres of beautiful,
organic gardens and have gotten inspired by different plants and flowers.
I am always amazed at what low maintenance plants can grow in the shade!

Carolyn's Shade Garden

She grows about 70% of the plants she sells, and she grows the plants in the ground in her own garden because she feels that growing plants in the ground through at least one winter is the only way to tell whether they are really suitable for her area. The garden is full of labeled plants and if you see something you love, you can purchase it from the sales area.

Pink Hybrid Hellebore

Virginia Bluebells

Double Hybrid Hellebore

Carolyn’s Shade Garden • 325 S. Roberts Rd Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

10-3pm Rain or Shine

Carolyn has a catalogue available on line and sends regular notifications of upcoming events. If you are interested in being included, just email your information to carolynsshadegardens@verizon.net.

Posted Under: Inspirations