Beautiful Bouquets

Beautiful Bouquets

The bridal bouquet is a once in a lifetime accessory. When else do you get to carry an intimate gathering of flowers especially designed for you?  TableArt loves working with our brides to design the perfect bridal bouquet. The design process allows us the opportunity...
TableArt and The Tented Event

TableArt and The Tented Event

There is nothing more beautiful than being in a natural environment. Which explains why so many event professionals get excited with the opportunity to produce a tented event. TableArt specializes in the planning and designing of unique and custom events and a tent...
Best of 2013

Best of 2013

TableArt would like to share some of our favorite images from 2013. Hopefully they engage and inspire you as much as they did us. A big shout out to our photographer friends who captured these amazing moments. Brian Dorsey Photography   Brian Dorsey Photography  Fred...

Blooming Branches

All winter long we wanted flowering branches to show clients or enjoy ourselves instead of all the snow and bare trees outside that seemed to surround us for so long. So we forced them to bloom time and time again. With the official change of the seasons last week and...